Monday, June 8, 2020

SURPRISING cultural differences between ICELAND and AMERICA

I have not been to Iceland yet, but its definitely on my list to do. Maybe next year. In many ways Iceland as described in Hfarna's video is similar to the Nordic countries I have visited - Finland, Sweden & Norway. However, you can buy beer in the supermarket, but for spirits you have to go to the special government owned shop. I understand that this was to curb alcohol abuse.

I hate carpet, and yes it is true, that most Nordic homes have wood floors, not carpet like in many homes in the Anglo-Sphere. Although this is slowly changing with many people installing timber flooring in my home country Australia. You take your shoes off at the door in every Nordic country I visited.

Nudity - I had a German girlfriend who grew up in a nudist family, which is quite common in Germany. In Finland you are generally nude in the sauna, however I've been told it is mainly segregated unless you are with close friends. The Finns have a saying, "everyone is equal in the sauna." In general, we in the Anglo-Sphere have more of a problem with nudity.

Hfarna raised the fact that in Iceland everybody, including teachers, are called by their first name. This is the same in Finland too. In Australia we have to call them by their title. Nordic countries are probably more committed to the concept of equality.

In conclusion, I like Hfarna's videos and her take on the differences between Iceland and the United States. I really like Nordic countries and their practical way of dealing with life. I think we can learn a lot from Nordic countries.

What did you find interesting from the video?