The Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC. A fitting memorial for the great man. Sit on the steps & reflect on his achievements, whilst looking across National Mall. Perfect late in the day. Washington DC is easy to visit if you are travelling by train from New York City like I was - Penn Station is in the heart of Manhattan & the train station in DC is opposite the Capitol Building!
The South couldn't win the American Civil War or 'War of Succession' as the South called it, right? Not so fast, Lincoln was not politically popular at the time before the Battle of Gettysburg. You have to remember war is a political act for a political purpose. If the North had suffered a big defeat in General Lee's campaign in the North then it could have dramatically changed the result of the upcoming election. That was the aim of the strategy. This is a great presentation by historian Steve Knott on the lead up to the Battle of Gettysburg at the US Army War College (above).
I would love to visit Gettysburg, because I studied American history, and I've read so much about the campaign. Maybe on my next trip to the United States.